Erin Louria Zivic
Attorney at Law
I chose to focus my legal career in family law and estates for one overriding reason: I wanted to ease people’s lives during difficult times of transition. Divorce is not uncommon. Death is inevitable. But when it touches your life, the legal obstacles during an already emotional time can be overwhelming. With nearly a decade of experience in estates and family law, ranging from boutique firms to premier ones, I am able to guide my clients through the legal roadblocks to the other side.
When it comes to adversarial matters, maintaining your control over your own case is a must. Working towards settlement is often the best way to do that. But when settling is not possible, I am prepared to vigorously advocate for you through trial.
Estate planning requires a different approach. Sometimes a client finds him or herself in an unfortunate, unexpected situation, such as suffering from a terminal illness or a life-changing injury. That client’s estate planning needs are immediate. Other times, the needs languish. For example, when parents want to plan for the support of their children but already have a dozen other pressing matters on their plates, they may need more help seeing the job through to completion. In either case, I work with my clients on their time tables. I offer ideas and solutions to help each individual or family meet their needs and achieve their goals to gift their legacies.
Whether planning for a divorce, dealing with the death of a loved one, or preparing one’s own estate, I provide each client with personalized attention and service to help at the crossroads.
Kenyon College, cum laude, 2005
Southwestern Law School, J.D., 2010
California Bar, Admitted 2010